Skill Aquisition Program (SAP/ GSAP)

The Skill Acquisition Program provides a clear, professionally delivered development opportunity for young footballers in NSW which underpins the National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s and Women’s competitions.

The program is non-competition based but provides players with an opportunity to play other highly skilled players across NSW. 

To see which clubs are in the SAP see here: Skill Acquisition Program – Football NSW

To see which clubs are in the GSAP see here: Girls Skill Acquisition Program – Football NSW

Player Development Methodology

Developing creative individuals using our 5 core skills; within group play. Supporting and stretching their own individual ‘super strength’s’.

  • Running With The Ball
  • Striking The Ball
  • First Touch
  • 1v1 Attacking
  • 1v1 Defending

“To develop every player to be the best they can be”